
1 Jan


How to make a Lungo with a Nespresso Lattissima +

  1. Place a large cup under the machine spout
  2. Place a Nespresso pod in the machine
  3. Press the “Lungo” button

I’ve enjoyed these Nespresso Pod Flavors in this recipe:

Fortissio LungoFortissio Lungo, Finezzo LungoFinezzo Lungo

The drink yields about 4 oz.

Drink the Lungo brews in a large cup to allow the aroma to take up some space in the cup.  Similar to wine tasting, much of the flavor of the Lungo is in the fragrance and aroma that is carried by the steam when its freshly brewed.  By drinking from a larger cup, you are allowing these flavors to be brought out of the coffee and into the air.

The Fortissio Lungo is a Central American and South American blend that is fairly mild, don’t over-dilute these Lungos as they are not meant to be drunk as one would a drip coffee.

©2011 Doug Domin Jr - Central Maine Spring

©2011 Doug Domin Jr - Central Maine Spring

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